Investing in strong foundations for the global Church with Riad Kassis

“Everything we have in life really needs a strong foundation, whether you are constructing a house or ship – everything needs a strong structure and foundation. And I think our scholars are equipped with that. Passion for ministry with highly qualified academic credentials are a strong foundation for the Church.”  Riad Kassis is the International…

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Working to shepherd, serve and steward preaching around the world

Paul Windsor

The work of Preaching Director Paul Windsor  International Program Director of Langham Preaching, Paul Windsor, first encountered Langham Partnership through the person of John Stott. At the age of 21, he attended an International Fellowship of Evangelical Students (IFES) conference in the USA where John preached on Romans Chapters 1 – 5 to Paul and…

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Introducing Rev Dr Hani Hanna as the new Langham Literature Director

Langham Partnership is delighted to announce the appointment of Rev. Dr Hani Hanna as the International Program Director for Langham Literature. Hani joins us from his position as President of the Evangelical Theological Seminary in Cairo (ETSC), bringing with him a wealth of knowledge and expertise in modern theology.  As a Langham Scholar himself, Dr…

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Representing Majority World Theology in Academia

Representing Majority World Theology at SBL/AAR

Each November, we at Langham Publishing exhibit our latest and most relevant titles at theological conferences in North America. It is an excellent opportunity to present our books to thousands of attendees browsing the exhibit halls and showcase the very best evangelical Majority World theology. Beginning with the Evangelical Theological Society (ETS), the Institute for Biblical Research…

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Eradicating the Sacred-Secular Divide

Closing Session of ICETE C-18

Last week 500 people involved in theological education came from around the world to Panama for the ICETE 2018 Consultation. ICETE is an international body of 9 regional evangelical accrediting organisations, that exist to develop theological education and support theological institutions. The focus of the triennial gathering was the sacred-secular divide in theological education. The…

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Staff Profile – Dahlia Fraser

Dahlia Fraser

As a child growing up in Jamaica, reading was Dahlia Fraser’s favourite pastime. Early mornings and after school she could often be found tucked away somewhere with a book. With her mom a teacher and her dad a pastor, books were readily available and she devoured all the usual children literature. In her home, Sunday…

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