The power of a well-stocked theological library

Langham Literature provides Bible-centred books to hundreds of Majority World colleges for free through their Library Grants program. Through Library Grants, many students get access to learning resources they might never have been able to read.

As a part of the standard grant Langham provides, member Majority World colleges can order up to approximately $220 worth of books each year. Large Library grants are also awarded to a few key regional libraries each year. These libraries receive approximately $3500 worth of books. Langham funds the books and the shipping costs and sends out all the resources from our warehouse in Carlisle, UK.

Thousands of books reaching colleges and libraries in need

Over the last few years, Langham Literature has provided thousands of books to Majority World colleges. 

In the 2020/2021 financial year, 6954 books were provided to 590 colleges in 77 countries. In the 2021/2022 financial year, 8392 books were provided to 675 colleges in 77 countries through the standard grant, and 1952 books were provided to three Majority World college libraries under the large library grant.

Chasefu Theological College in Zambia was one of the colleges to receive books from a standard grant, and they expressed their gratitude for their partnership with Langham Literature. 

We thank God for a timely donation of the latest books. The gifts are a motivating tool for teaching staff and students as they do their research. Your contribution will go a long way in helping the upcoming upgrading of our library. We are so grateful for such a wonderful gesture of love. 

We are looking forward to seeing CTC and Langham putting measures in place that would build a strong and diversified mutual partnership. May you continue praying for us as we are in great need to grow our library and develop the teaching staff at our institution.” 

Equipping gospel workers with quality resources

One college library that received books through the large library grant, shared that it was a “huge blessing to the members of the great faith community the library serves.” 

Without the grant, enabled by the generosity of Langham supporters, this library and others like it would have limited resources and be unable to serve their students and staff effectively. 

In talking about the impact of the grant, they said, “The books that were received have been exposing our esteemed library users to various works of literature by leading authors and scholars in different aspects of theological education. 

These categories include but are not limited to Biblical Studies, Theology, Languages, Church History, World Religions, Philosophy, and Psychology. With different topics that were treated in the books, our students and faculty are now being kept abreast of emerging trends in theological education. 

It is also gratifying to note that the level of information literacy of our students has improved because of their current knowledge of different reliable publishers through whom the donated book titles were published.”

The college also found the donated books useful due to their bibliography compilation and suggestion for further studies. They serve not only as a resource for students, but a helpful reference for the faculty to continue to direct students to consult different titles and chapters of the books which are being explored for theses, dissertations, term papers, and other personal development activities. The recent publication of many of the books was also a blessing, as this library and others like it do not have ready access to newly published books.

Pray for the continued resourcing of the Majority World

Pray for the ongoing edification of the students and staff in these Majority World colleges, and that God would raise up more supporters for Langham Literature to continue their work.  

God is growing mature Christian leaders and workers throughout the Majority World, and using Langham Literature in the process.

Another grant recipient shared, “As a University, in recent times, we have seen an upsurge in student numbers, however a look at the reading materials-textbooks that we had in our library, we couldn’t meet some of the information needs of these increasing numbers of students in time

However, we thank God for the large library grant that came with various copies of titles of books that now are available in the library and we are now reasonably able to offer information needs and efficient services to all our users as efficiently as we can. Thank you so much, may God continue to bless you.”



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