Resurrection Church Beirut – Situation Report

Hikmat Kashouh is Senior pastor of Resurrection Church, Beirut. He is also a graduated Langham Scholar and Author. The following article is taken from Langham Publishing blog: What is the situation with us at the moment? A situation report is often used in military operations and uses non-emotional language with simple facts. Let me…

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eNews and prayer update April 2020

Tigist and Seble photo

Train one, Impact Thousands  “What is the purpose of life?” “Is God real? Is the Bible real?”  Because of her training under Langham Scholar Dr. Seble Daniel at Ethiopian Graduate School of Theology, Tigist can now help her teens find answers to their questions in God’s Word.  These are questions that youth leader Tigist hears…

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A reflection from Uganda

Emmanuel Mukeshimana, Langham Scholar, Rwanda/UgandaMarch 2020 I am now speechless, I do not know how to begin with my reflection, but in times like this, it is where we see God at work. This last Sunday was the first day of family service due to the ban of public gathering. Our service went on very…

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Honoured by Alma mater

Langham Scholar, Elizabeth Mburu, was recently honoured by her alma mater, Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary (SEBTS). Each year SEBTS honours five colleagues in various categories of scholarship. In 2008, Mburu became Southeastern’s first female Ph.D. graduate, leading the way for more women to follow in the path of pursuing advanced degrees in theological education. Keynote…

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Far reaching impact

Like a pebble tossed into a pond, it is inspiring to reflect on the impact that one book, one well delivered sermon, or one theologically trained leader can have, not just in an immediate sense, but rippling out in multiple and frequently surprising ways. As a crime scene investigator for the government in Brazil, Rafael…

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Scholar brings biblical truth to Papua New Guinea

“Instead of allowing our beliefs to influence scripture, we need to allow scripture to influence our beliefs,” emphasises Langham Scholar George Mombi, from Papua New Guinea (PNG). George has been working on his PhD since 2015 at Otago University, New Zealand. He’s recently returned to PNG to continue teaching at the Christian Leaders’ Training College.…

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Scholar shapes future leaders in Ukraine

A Langham Scholar, who studied for a PhD at the University of St Andrews, was recently inducted as head of a Bible college in his home country Ukraine. This is an answer to many prayers. Oleksandr Geychenko now has the opportunity to shape future church leaders through his role at Odessa Theological Seminary. The inauguration service…

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Listening to God’s Word and the World

If you’re looking to find Langham Scholar Dr. Rolex Cailing, a biblical leader trained with support from Langham in the Philippines, you’re going to have to look in some unusual places. Many Filipinos would expect to find him tucked away in his office all day. But Rolex is more likely to be found engaged in…

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Representing Majority World Theology in Academia

Representing Majority World Theology at SBL/AAR

Each November, we at Langham Publishing exhibit our latest and most relevant titles at theological conferences in North America. It is an excellent opportunity to present our books to thousands of attendees browsing the exhibit halls and showcase the very best evangelical Majority World theology. Beginning with the Evangelical Theological Society (ETS), the Institute for Biblical Research…

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