Vision for transforming theological education for women in the Middle East

Grace Al-Zoughbi Arteen is the Assistant Professor of Theological Education at Arab Baptist Theological Seminary in Lebanon. She is also a Langham Scholar! Grace graduated with her PhD in 2023.  Personal faith formed in faithful origins Grace’s desire for ministry and a life of knowing and loving God’s Word formed early. She reflects, “At the…

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The first female Nepali scholar and her important role

Karuna Sharma is a current Langham Scholar. She is from Kathmandu, Nepal, and is pursuing her PhD studies through the Oxford Centre for Mission Studies in England. She was the first ever female Langham Scholar accepted into the program from Nepal!  Leading the way as a Nepali Christian woman Karuna’s research explores intercaste marriage among…

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Applying the Word of God to the needs of the Philippines

Joy Pring-Faraz is a Langham Scholar from the Philippines who has done her PhD in Transformational Development. The context of her country and community is one that has great poverty and disparity between people’s situations. In the Philippines, Christianity is the only dominant religion and 90% of the population would call themselves Christian. The biggest…

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Three female Langham authors you need to read

There are many wonderful voices shared through the publishing work of Langham Literature, and this month, we wanted to draw your attention to three women well worth your attention. These authors are just a small selection of the intelligent and insightful female Langham authors with works you should read! Dr Ksenija Magda Dr Ksenija Magda…

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Theology changes culture – with the help of Langham Scholars

In South Asia, where culture and social hierarchy rule, a small minority group of Christians are trying to make a significant impact among the people, and it’s having a ripple effect. Joshua George is a PhD candidate, former student, and currently a faculty-in-training member at a local Bible college. His journey into ministry started when…

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Multiplication in South Asia: From student to scholar to teacher

Francis Mathew is a Langham Scholar from South Asia, currently pursuing a PhD in Old Testament from Bristol Baptist College through the University of Aberdeen in the UK. He is also married to Medonuo Zhotso and is a full-time father to their super active (soon-to-be) two-year-old son, Asher Lev. Francis has been impacted by the…

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Voices from Out of the Margins

Out of the Margins - a Young Langham Podcast

Unpacking the purpose of our NEW Young Langham Podcast What does it mean to be a Christian in your context? This is something that we in the Western world haven’t had to give much thought. We’re surrounded by examples of Christian culture and life in our country – and in other countries much like ours!…

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Training the whole church to know and serve Jesus

Dinorah B. Méndez is a Langham Scholar who is working and ministering in her home country of Mexico. She is the director of Byblos Institute in Durango, Mexico, a centre of strategic biblical training for lay leaders. Seeing the whole church equipped Dinorah did her PhD at Oxford Centre for Mission Studies, UK on a…

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Why PhDs are what Majority World Christian leaders need

How God multiplies the impact of His faithful workers If someone asked you ‘What will create the most transformation in the Majority World church?’, would your first response be ‘Enable more people to get their PhD’?  In the Majority World, the gospel is spreading far and wide, but the challenge has long been enabling Christians…

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Seeing Ugandan Christians know, trust, and apply the Bible

Joseph Byamukama is a Langham Scholar currently doing his PhD through Melbourne’s Ridley College, enabled by financial supporters who give to Langham Australia. Joseph is from Uganda and through his PhD is exploring how Isaiah shapes Jesus’ lordship in the book of Acts. Since 2021 he has been doing research and study through Ridley while…

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