Following Jesus in the Thai culture

Around the world, Langham identifies key Christian publishers to impact culture. In Thailand, Kanok Bannasan is one of those key partners. Watch this video about Langham’s support of Kanok Bannasan. But why is Kanok Bannasan so crucial? Thai Christians, who make up just 1% of the population of Thailand, face a daily reality of isolation…

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Langham Scholar and Preaching pioneer mourned

Corneliu Constantineanu, a Langham Scholar and General Editor of the Central Eastern European Bible Commentary, died in Romania from Covid-19 on 17 March 2021. He was latterly Professor of Public Theology at the University of Arad, Romania. Please pray for Corneliu’s wife Ioana and their daughters, Carmen and Anamaria. A draft version of the front…

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Serving the “Prince of Peace”

Rula Mansour has a vision for peace.  From a young age she grew up in a mixed community with both Palestinian and Israeli-Jewish friends and neighbours.  It was when she went to university that she realised she felt called to a work of reconciliation. Move forward a few years and Rula can now be found…

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Resurrection Church Beirut – Situation Report

Hikmat Kashouh is Senior pastor of Resurrection Church, Beirut. He is also a graduated Langham Scholar and Author. The following article is taken from Langham Publishing blog: What is the situation with us at the moment? A situation report is often used in military operations and uses non-emotional language with simple facts. Let me…

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Honoured by Alma mater

Langham Scholar, Elizabeth Mburu, was recently honoured by her alma mater, Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary (SEBTS). Each year SEBTS honours five colleagues in various categories of scholarship. In 2008, Mburu became Southeastern’s first female Ph.D. graduate, leading the way for more women to follow in the path of pursuing advanced degrees in theological education. Keynote…

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Far reaching impact

Like a pebble tossed into a pond, it is inspiring to reflect on the impact that one book, one well delivered sermon, or one theologically trained leader can have, not just in an immediate sense, but rippling out in multiple and frequently surprising ways. As a crime scene investigator for the government in Brazil, Rafael…

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Bountiful harvest from a Langham writers’ workshop

It can take many years to see fruit from writers’ workshops. They bring together a small group of Christian leaders who want to write books for their own communities. The workshops provide time to write and reflect on the universal principles that writers need to bear in mind as they shape a book. The writers…

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