June Prayer Points

Please join us in praying for Langham around the world.


At the end of June the annual Langham Preaching Africa Sunday will be held. Pray for the Africa Leadership Team who will coordinate this day with many churches around the continent, that many will be inspired to start and continue their involvement with Langham Preaching training and ushirikas (preaching clubs).

Pray for Preaching events happening in these nations:

  • 16-22 June – Bolivia, Togo, Solomon Islands, Peru
  • 23-29 June South Asia (2), Romania, Togo, Fiji, Thailand, Guatemala, Uruguay
  • 30 Jun – 6 July Thailand, South Asia (2)
  • 7 – 13 July South Asia, Benin

Where the country is sensitive, the region is given.


Pray for Scholars supported through Langham Australia: Joseph Byamukama (Uganda) and Crystal (East Asia) who are both working to complete their PhDs this year. Pray for Dr Lina Toth, the new global Scholars Director who commences this month. Pray too for Scholars consultations happening in the US and the UK this month, that these will be times of encouragement and support for Scholars as they meet together with staff.


Give thanks for all the books we have been able to send to colleges and pastors this year. Pray they will be a blessing to many Christians in the Majority World. Pray for those who are eager to establish an academic, contextual, heart language publishing ministry for three different language groups in Ethiopia. There is an amazing wealth of good writing emerging there, but no-one to act as an effective publisher… yet!

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