A Preacher Transformed: Peceli’s Story of Growth and Confidence

Before Peceli Tawaketini began Langham Preaching Training in Savusavu, Fiji, the sermons he delivered were based on his own interpretation of a Bible passage. Every single Sunday, he lacked confidence in his preaching, and he was nervous about potential criticism from older preachers in the congregation. Things are very different now. In 2019, Peceli was…

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Langham at work throughout Africa

Throughout Africa, Langham Preaching training is profoundly impacting church leaders and their communities. From Burundi to Ethiopia to Liberia, pastors and lay leaders are learning how to better understand and deliver God’s Word. This training is not only enriching their personal faith but also equipping them to bring about lasting change in their churches and…

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Preaching that causes personal, faithful change

Toka Sello is an economist by trade, living and working in Maseru, the capital of Lesotho, Africa. He has been a Christian for several years and for the past eight years has been a member of Tsoho Anglican Church – a church greatly impacted by Langham Preaching training.  Preaching that promotes discovery Toko has been…

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Growing a movement of trained preachers in the Philippines

“My hope is that many followers of Jesus will be equipped to handle the Word of God.” Abby Galzote works diligently to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ with her brothers and sisters in the Philippines. As a full-time missionary for her local church, Abby serves as the Training Director for Every Community for Christ…

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Transforming West Africa from the pulpit 

“I believe with Langham Seminars, pastors well trained in expository preaching will definitely change the narrative from the pulpit and enable the church to help transform our society in depth.” Armand Dzadu is an Associate Coordinator and Facilitator for Langham Preaching in West Africa. He lives in French-speaking Togo, where the church has been increasingly…

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Preparedness, passion and preaching the good news in Fiji

“Standing from up there and preaching, it takes courage to preach something about God. And you’re preaching God’s word, it’s very important. And when I took the Langham training, it helped me a lot. The Langham training really taught me to dig deeply in the Bible passage, and then from text to sermon.” Veresa Colato…

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‘Escuelitas’ – The preaching circles of Latin America

Pastors are the backbone of the global church. They are biblical leaders who are at the centre of their communities and essential in the growth of new Christians.  One of the core ministries of Langham Partnership is training pastors throughout the Majority World. We focus on training pastors who are shepherding God’s flock in places…

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The Word of God transforms through war and tragedy

“The crisis doesn’t cancel God’s calling and the war doesn’t cancel God’s calling. We are called to teach people God’s Word and to be present with them…We can leave the country at any moment, but we want to be here because God is present here, and we want the church to be present.” Anna Gnatyshyna…

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‘God has placed me with a purpose’ 

Scholar Mikael* on the importance of teaching and writing in challenging contexts Mikael, previous Langham Scholar and current Langham Preaching Movement Coordinator in South Asia, is committed to seeing more people know and love Jesus. As well as being an author and speaker, he is also the director of a local theological college. The college…

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