‘I want to serve my indigenous community in Panama’

Jocabed Solano

Last month on our Langham Live zoom calls, LPUKI supporters were privileged to hear from Jocabed Solano, a member of Langham Preaching in Panama. Jocabed grew up in the Gunadule (Guna) community in Panama, was born to missionary parents, and came to faith at the age of nine. She became a staff worker for IFES…

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Providing crucial care to volcano survivors in DR Congo

The Democratic Republic of Congo is facing significant challenges: famine, war, Covid-19. And last year a volcano erupted near Goma city, displacing hundreds and leaving many destitute and traumatised – including Christian leaders.  Dr Eraston Kighoma, who gained his PhD through Langham, played a key role in the relief effort. His organisation CIMR (Centre for…

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Ugandan Scholar equipped to relieve poverty and bring good news

God’s Word brings good news to the poor.  But what does that mean for a Ugandan widow unable to feed or shelter her children? Or to any number of the 422 million people across Africa living below the global poverty line?  There are many relief and development organisations working to end poverty. But for pastor…

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Scholar multiplies ministers of hope in Brazil

What is the impact of just one leader in Brazil gaining a PhD through your support of Langham? You may be surprised by the answer! In the late 80s, Antonio Barro studied for a PhD at Fuller Theological Seminary as a Langham Scholar.  During this time, he conceived the idea of a seminary in Brazil that would…

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First Japanese Langham Scholar returns to preach and teach

In October the first Langham Scholar from Japan, Kei Hiramatsu, graduated from Asbury Theological Seminary, US. Kei and his young family have now returned to Japan, where Kei is teaching at Central Bible College in Tokyo. He’s also pastoring a local church. Although a developed, wealthy country, Japan has very few Christians and even fewer…

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Taking research onto the streets

Myrto Theocharous

Dr Myrto Theocharous asks me to imagine if God had a business card, what it would say. “When I introduce myself I say, ‘I’m Myrto Theocharous and I’m a Professor of Old Testament.’ When God introduces himself to Israel he says, ‘I am the anti-slavery God.’ “This theme comes up constantly in the Old Testament…

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Thousands trained, tens of thousands resourced, countless transformed!

Romania preaching training teens

Langham trained nearly 10,000 pastors, distributed over 13,000 Bible-centred books to Majority World colleges, and supported 78 PhD students during the last financial year. Those are the latest stats from July 2019 to June 2020, showing God’s amazing work through Langham’s Preaching, Literature and Scholars programmes. The Covid-19 pandemic has adversely affected some planned activities,…

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Serving the “Prince of Peace”

Rula Mansour has a vision for peace.  From a young age she grew up in a mixed community with both Palestinian and Israeli-Jewish friends and neighbours.  It was when she went to university that she realised she felt called to a work of reconciliation. Move forward a few years and Rula can now be found…

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eNews and prayer update May 2020

Kitchen damaged

Pacific Preaching Update  “What is the purpose of life?” “Is God real? Is the Bible real?”  Stephen Williams – South Pacific Regional Coordinator (pictured right with a seminar participant from the Solomon Islands) writes: On the 1st March I flew to the Solomon Islands with the Reverend David Pettett to take two preacher-training seminars on…

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