eNews and prayer update November 2018

The Arabic Contemporary Bible Commentary is launched!

The Arabic Contemporary Bible Commentary is launched!

The Arabic Contemporary Bible Commentary is launched!

 Read the full story


Join us in prayer for …


Where countries are considered sensitive re: security, the region is mentioned rather than the country.

  • 18–24 November: South Asia, North Africa, Uganda, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Myanmar, Tanzania, Colombia
  • 2–8 December: Botswana, Ukraine, Tanzania, Romania, Liberia
  • 25 Nov–1 Dec: Tanzania, Colombia, Zimbabwe
  • 9-15 December: Uganda, Kenya, Sierra Leone


Please pray for Ethiopian Scholar Anwar Berhe as he continues to study at Melbourne School of Theology;

he is in the final stages of completing his PhD. Please pray for him and the family as they prepare to return to Ethiopia at the end of the year. Pray for Egyptian Scholar George Bishai as he continues to study at Moore College, Sydney. Pray also for Scholars studying elsewhere but whose scholarships are funded by Australian donations: Vuyani Sindo in South Africa and Fanos Tsegaye (an Ethiopian woman) in Scotland.


Pray for effective distribution of the new Arabic Commentary across the Middle East and North Africa. Pray also for the development and roll out of a new website to better facilitate online ordering for colleges and as an online shop and promotional platform for Majority World books published by Langham.


Several Langham Preaching Resources are currently in the process of being translated, including some for Central Asia.  Pray for those that are involved in the translation of these resources, most of whom are doing this work alongside other full-time commitments.

The Langham Preaching African Leadership Team will meet in December in Johannesburg and involves the four Regional Coordinators who work closely with the Preaching Movement Coordinators across the continent.  Pray for these meetings to be ones of encouragement and fellowship.


Give thanks for the recent international Leadership Team and International Council meetings held in the USA. Pray for all those in leadership, that their lives and work will be characterised by humility and devotion to our Lord Jesus Christ.

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