December Prayer Points

Please join us in praying for Langham around the world.


Pray for our Continental Directors who oversee staff in Latin America, Europe, the Caribbean, Africa, Asia and the South Pacific. Pray for wisdom and strength as they lead disparate teams around the world from diverse backgrounds and cultures.

Pray for Preaching events happening in these nations:

  • 27-30 December – Liberia
  • 4-6 January – Trinidad & Tobago
  • 15-19 January – Thailand

There are fewer events during the Christmas season!

Pray for all who preach to God’s people this Christmas, that their words will declare God’s truth and be spoken in a way that is relevant to their hearers.


Please continue to pray for Scholars being supported through Langham Australia:

  • Pray for George Bishai in Egypt as he finalises his thesis, for Joseph Byamukama as he studies in Uganda and for Crystal from East Asia, who continues studying through Sydney University and considers where she will serve when she finishes her PhD in 2024.
  • Pray also for the international Scholar’s selection committee as they work through applications at this time of year. There are always more applications than Langham can fund, so pray for guidance and wisdom as they decide who will receive the scholarships.


Please pray for those working on the three Langham Monograph books due to be published this month.


Please pray that all who have worked hard in the ministries of Langham Partnership this year (both paid staff and volunteers) will have a time of refreshment and renewal this Christmas holiday season.

Pray for Langham Australia: that God will raise more supporters for Langham’s ministry in our country.

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