Bringing hope and provision through the Gospel

John 10:10- “The thief comes only to steal, kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full”.

Hearing from Emmanual 

Emmanuel is a Langham Scholar and currently works with Square Ministries Africa. Originally from Rwanda, Emmanuel studied at Uganda Christian University as a full-time student and graduated in February 2020. 

As a Langham Scholar, Emmanuel was supported by Langham during his studies, and continues to be a part of their global community in his ministry endeavours to share the Gospel of Christ. 

He shares, “As a Langham Scholar, I am involved in writing, teaching, preaching, and attending virtual conferences and prayer meetings. Being part of the Langham Scholar program has helped me to be known by the Langham family where prayers are shared and sometimes support is given towards my ministry.”

Square Ministries Africa

Currently, Emmanuel works for Square Ministries Africa, a non-profit community organisation founded and registered in the Republic of Uganda in 2016 to reach the needy communities of East Africa. He also teaches at Uganda Christian University.

Emmanuel is a pioneer of this ministry and wanted to do something where his Biblical knowledge and teachings could be experienced directly by the community. “I wanted to walk the talk so that students who see me in the classroom, will also see me following them in their parishes to make theological education more productive and practical,” he shares.

Square Ministries Africa (SMA) has four fundamental pillars, Emmanuel shared.

“1. Bible: The Bible is our guide, SMA believes to make the Scripture practical in evangelism which goes with poverty alleviation for our Christians.

2. Needy: SMA believes that a needy person is in the image of God, therefore participation in his/her life spiritually and physically is a paramount gift you can provide to such a person.

3. You: We need our friends and well-wishers to participate in turning around our societies/communities for a better world.

4. SMA staff: As we construct a solid staff at SMA, we need those who are compassionate, and who are not working for NGOs to make themselves rich but rather to be a vehicle where the needy person can get what they have never had before.”

Emmanuel summed up SMA’s core values as: “Participating in the life of the needy with a compassionate staff for honest partnerships based on the Word of God”.

God’s work through SMA

Emmanuel shares, “My joy is to see the unreached being reached, we have so many people who are still in the bondage of the devil. Satan has blinded them with poverty and they have not seen the glory of God. I hope to see such a person being transformed into a new creature to enjoy God’s creation. I strongly believe God created each person to have a good life to its fullness as it is written in John 10:10- “The thief comes only to steal, kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full”.

The year that was

Emmanuel had a busy and full year in 2022, he shares “Square Ministries was able to conduct Theology of Work for the third time, which saw 250 pastors trained in the Diocese of Bukedi in Eastern Uganda”. He sees this as a success as pastors are able to live out their calling with a “happy mind and soul in self-reliance for poverty alleviation of their families and parishioners”.

SMA also was able to assist and feed over 300 patients at the local hospital. Emmanuel shared that “praying with the patients and providing them with a meal was an emotional experience”.

Emmanuel felt privileged to have been able to continue his work at Uganda Christian University, training men and women in ministry. He was also able to be a part of the team on a project to re-educate people about the prosperity gospel. “We hope that this new concept will reach so many pastors all over the world for spreading the authentic gospel based on the scriptures,” he shared.

Looking ahead

“As we enter the new year 2023, I will encourage you to continue to pray with us and for us, at SMA,” Emmanuel says. “Pray for SMA in Uganda and the teams and individuals who work with them. Pray for all the activities SMA is involved in across training, education and caring for the needy. Pray for GAFCON IV which will be held in April in Kigali Rwanda, for guidance from God for the entire gathering and a strong commitment to being faithful to the Holy Scriptures.” 

Please pray for Emmanuel as he travels and attends conferences, including GAFCON, pray for provision and safety for him as he does so and across 2023.

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