August 2024 News

What’s inside

A note from Gillean

CEO of Langham Australia

Dear friend, 

We have been exploring the early chapters of the book of Judges in my home Church, grappling with the faithfulness of God in the midst of the total depravity of man. 

One particular challenge has been finding age appropriate ways to share some of the more gruesome stories in the Kid’s Talk – it often seems easier just to leave out those parts of Scripture that are challenging or awkward, yet we know that all Scripture is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness. 

It reminded me of the testimony of many Majority World preachers who share how, prior to being trained through Langham Preaching, they would cherry pick their favourite verses to preach, often leaving whole sections of the Bible untouched and untaught. 

How good it is to have access to the whole counsel of God’s Word, and to be able to handle it with confidence and insight to build up the church to maturity.  We thank God for Langham Preaching opening the scriptures, even when we find it challenging, confronting and even testing.

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*Please note, in the original sending of this email the title mistakenly said ‘first Nepali Langham Scholar’ instead of ‘first female Nepali Langham Scholar’. We apologise for any confusion.

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