The importance of training pastors

A local pastor preaches a sermon to the Langham Preachers Club meeting.

Across the world, it is estimated that over 80% of Pastors have little or no biblical training. This means that two million pastors, those responsible for leading and teaching churches full of God’s people, are not equipped themselves. They need to be trained and helped to better lead their flock.

Langham Founder John Stott said,​‌If it is true (as Jesus said quoting from Deuteronomy) that human beings live not on bread alone but on God’s Word, it is equally true of churches. Churches live, grow and flourish by the Word of God, and they languish and die without it.” 

When poverty restricts Christian maturity

Langham Preaching is about the people of God, and for the people of God, growing in maturity and godliness is of utmost importance. In Australia and other countries of similar wealth, the challenges that hinder people from deepening into maturity are things like wealth, comfort and apathy. 

However, for countless other people throughout the world, maturity and growth in Christ are hindered by other circumstances: like poverty, under-resourcing and threats to their safety and comfort. This is where Langham is committed to training and supporting Biblical preachers and leaders. 

Preaching is a vital foundation for the maturity and the mission of the church. As John Stott said, “We believe that God wants his church to grow up. We believe that the church grows up through God’s Word, and we believe that God’s Word comes to God’s people primarily through preaching.”

For those in poverty or strife, access to education is a huge challenge, restricting the ability of church leaders to learn faithful biblical preaching, and in turn, hindering them from leading their congregation into maturity.

Practical training equipping Pastors to lead

The Langham method is one that is focused on the practical.

With limited resources and different challenges in their congregations, Pastors trained by Langham need a different approach to Pastors in Western Countries that might take the traditional path to academic-based Bible College.

Training preachers through Refresher Week Seminars

We aim to be more practical, working with fewer and simpler skills practised and modelled repeatedly so that we build a training that is more transferable without the same need for an abundance of resources. This means that Pastors and others who minister in the church who are trained through Langham Preaching learn how to not only grow in maturity themselves but are also a model for growing their congregations. 

After initial training, our preachers have been grown in the following areas:

  • Confident in Conviction
  • Christ-like in Character
  • Faithful to the Text
  • Relevant to Listener
  • Clear in Presentation

Pray for the work of Langham Preaching

Please keep the various events for Langham Preaching in your prayers, as well as the Leadership Teams throughout the World. Pray for the Directors, Regional Coordinators, Personal Assistants and other project support team members who lead the work globally.

Get more prayer points for Langham Preaching here.

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