October Prayer Points

Please join us in praying for Langham around the world.


Pray for our Continental Directors who oversee the staff teams in Latin America, Europe, the Caribbean, Africa, Asia and the South Pacific. Pray for wisdom and strength as they lead disparate teams around the world from diverse backgrounds and cultures.

Pray for Preaching events happening in these nations:

  • 13-19 October: West Africa, SE Asia, South Asia, Nepal, South Africa, Trinidad & Tobago (2), Slovenia, Austria
  • 20-26 October: Belgium, Thailand, Lesotho, Liberia 10-16 November Sweden, Europe meeting, Kenya, Philippines
  • 27 Oct–2 November: East Timor, South Asia (3), Serbia
  • 3-9 November: Liberia, Ecuador

Where the country is sensitive, the region is given.


Pray for the global Scholars team as they meet together in the UK at the end of October.

Please continue to pray for Scholars being supported through Langham Australia:

  • Praise God that Joseph Byamukama has passed his PhD with only minor corrections required, with two examiners saying it was one of the best PhDs they have read!
  • Pray also for Crystal from East Asia, who is completing her PhD soon and considering where to serve when she finishes.
  • Pray for new Scholar Emmy from Thailand as she commences her PhD journey and visits Sydney later in the year.


Pray for a brand-new indigenous publishing house being launched in Ethiopia: Onesimas Theological Publishing, envisioned for many years but finally coming to life with assistance from Langham.

Please pray for members of the Publishing Management Group – Hani, Liz and Rico – who participated in the Lausanne congress and for the work growing out of those meetings. Pray for wisdom and strength.

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