November 2023 eNews

What’s inside

A note from Gillean

CEO of Langham Australia

The Church in the West needs to hear the wisdom and experience of the Majority World Church, across all facets of our Christian experience.  While we are increasingly being given the opportunity to access literature produced by Majority World authors, there are some additional exciting opportunities for engagement using technology. 

Our website features a new series of short courses taught by global leaders, where you can enrich your understanding of God’s Word. Click on the Global Resources link, which will take you to the Global Voices resource page, to sign up for the first short courses.

Also, stay tuned for a podcast series being developed by our Young Adult Engagement Coordinators, where they chat with Majority World Christians to gain perspective about a range of Christian issues. The series, Out of the Margins, will be launched in the New Year.

Thank God for the opportunities to build links across the whole body, through the leadership and insights of our Majority World brothers and sisters!

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