November 2022 eNews

What’s inside

A note from Gillean

CEO of Langham Australia

One of the most exciting projects of Langham Literature is the development of the one-volume Bible Commentaries. Once a volume has been completed and published in the original language, there are often further editions in other translations needed: last year saw the completion of the Africa Bible Commentary Amharic translation, the Latin American Contemporary Bible Commentary Portuguese translation and the 2nd edition of the Slavic Bible Commentary in Russian.

Currently, there are 17 projects at some point in the writing, translation, editing and publishing process, and we are looking forward with great anticipation to the completion of some of the more groundbreaking commentaries. 

The huge growth in the number of editions of the various commentaries over the past few years has been in large part due to the strategic growth campaign, where Langham has planned to increase by 80%, the creation and distribution of quality, relevant evangelical literature, over 6 years. Australia has been instrumental in completing the Arabic Bible Commentary, the Urdu translation of the South Asia Commentary and the English translation of the Slavic Commentary.

Thank you for your part in helping this process.

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