In February, Langham Partnership Australia CEO Gillean Smiley travelled to Myanmar and met with Langham Scholar Ronald and others in the Langham family.
Gillean shares, “My time in Myanmar in February this year gave me greater insight into the difficulties of Christian leaders who are equipping pastors, teachers and lay leaders to support the church and help it grow in maturity. It is not easy to provide the resources and opportunities for learning that they would wish to have available, even as they operate in a context of economic and social pressure.”
This was a great reminder that it is still crucially important that there are local leaders, preachers, and authors who are raised up and trained well to be able to minister effectively within the circumstances they face.
Despite the challenges and difficulties experienced by Myanmar Christians, Gillean’s overwhelming impression was “of a generous, gracious and committed people, who are faithfully and courageously witnessing to their Lord and Saviour.”
Meeting with others from the Langham family and beyond
While there, Gillean had the great opportunity to meet with many of the Preaching Program facilitators as well as two Langham Scholars. The enthusiasm and commitment of these volunteers was inspiring as they labour to increase the quality of preaching.

The meeting was hosted by International Director Riad Kassis, who had travelled to Myanmar to speak at the graduation of students from the Myanmar Graduate School of Theology.
Langham also works with many other organisations with similar aims, and it was a blessing for Gillean to meet with the General Secretary of the Myanmar Bible Society, Rev Khoi Lam Thang.
Updates from Langham Scholar, Ronald
While in Myanmar, Gillean was able to see firsthand the leadership and ministry of Ronald, a Langham Scholar who studied for his PhD in Australia and is now Principal of the Myanmar Evangelical Graduate School of Theology (MEGST).
Gillean says, “He is a wonderful example of the fruit of a Langham Scholarship, as he not only leads and teaches in the theological seminary, but continues to write – his current project is to complete the first ever Biblical Theology in the Chin language, targeted at ordinary Christians in the churches as well as students – and also supports the Preaching Movement that is flourishing within Myanmar.”

Ronald is introducing new courses to MEGST this year, to cater for the growing demand and expanded student body, and has also personally supervised many of the Doctor of Divinity candidates.
Gillean reflects, “I thank God for the opportunity to travel to Myanmar and walk for a short time beside my brothers and sisters who are embodying the vision of Langham Partnership – to see churches equipped for mission and growing in maturity in Christ through the ministry of pastors and leaders who believe, teach and live by the Word of God.”