Throughout Africa, Langham Preaching training is profoundly impacting church leaders and their communities. From Burundi to Ethiopia to Liberia, pastors and lay leaders are learning how to better understand and deliver God’s Word. This training is not only enriching their personal faith but also equipping them to bring about lasting change in their churches and communities!

Oscar from Burundi
Oscar is involved in church ministry in Burundi, and there is more than one reason why he’s grateful for Langham Preaching training. The main source of his joy would be the way the training is enabling people to go deeper into God’s Word and actually transform the way they live.
“The church in Burundi is almost 100 years old, but the impact has been very, very low,” Oscar explains. “We’ve been experiencing a lot of crises — political crises, a lot of challenges, meaning that the Word of God has not been able to penetrate people’s lives so that they can really be able to live it accordingly and contribute to a betterment of the society.”
Oscar can see the way Langham is addressing this issue through preaching training. It has been a specific answer to prayer for him.
“I think it has helped a lot in terms of changing people’s lives, improving Christian living in terms of having Christians who understand the Word of God and who can live according to the word of God rather than just confessing and not practising,” Oscar shares.
The other way Oscar sees Preaching training benefiting people in Burundi is through the faithful exegesis of God’s Word. In the past, he saw preachers attempting to use God’s Word to achieve their own purposes. Oscar is relieved that pastors are now being called to account for their actions.
“I see Langham bring a lot of things in terms of changing our way of delivering the Word of God, and also the way we live it. Thank you.”

Frew from Ethiopia
Frew is the Vice-Principal of the Evangelical Theological College in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. He is deeply grateful for the way Langham Preaching training is teaching church leaders to handle God’s Word well.
“Today so many church members in Africa are malnourished because the Word is not properly handled,” Frew explains, “and I’m grateful for Langham Preaching and the Langham Partnership for coming along and helping us and keeping us to be better preachers, better expositors for the Word of God, and I’m grateful to be part of this movement.

Matthew from Liberia
In Liberia, Matthew is particularly thankful for the way Langham is ministering to both trained pastors and lay pastors. He tells us that there has been an overwhelmingly positive response to the training.
“The first time we launched the Langham Preaching in Libera we had about 100 pastors come to the training, and this has really helped the pastors to learn how to do expositional preaching,” he says.
Matthew explains that there has been a real lack of training up until this point. It had been common practice for pastors to use the Bible to preach a prosperity gospel without actually exegeting the passage.
“But when Langham came, pastors could go back into the Scripture and explain to their people in a simple way that they can understand,” Matthew shares. “Bible studies are becoming very interesting, because people are going to the Scripture and digging out of the Scripture, not bringing something into the Scripture. We are so grateful for the work of Langham in Libera.”
In multiple countries across the African continent, Langham Preaching training is not just transforming sermons — it’s changing lives, equipping pastors and church leaders to faithfully handle God’s Word and impact their communities for lasting change.