Langham Scholar Rohan* is sustained and spurred on by the Lord. Since gaining his PhD from the University of Durham in the UK, with support from Langham Partnership, Rohan has been committed to both equipping emerging Christian leaders and transforming communities throughout South Asia.
Rohan has a full schedule that is focused on reaching communities, maturing leaders and sending Christians to further God’s kingdom. He is the Principal of Filadelfia Bible College, the Mission Director of Filadelfia Fellowship of Churches in his region and the International Deputy Director in South Asia for the Lausanne Movement.
Rohan’s work is a great example of the multiplication effect of Langham Scholars. For Langham, the goal of training theological leaders around the world is to “equip the equippers,” men and women who multiply disciples and advance God’s Kingdom in their nations.

Developing future leaders
One of Rohan’s primary areas of focus is leadership development. At Filadelfia Bible College, he and his staff are equipping hundreds of emerging Christian leaders with the skills and knowledge they need to serve their communities effectively.
Somanath is one of those leaders; he says, “God is training me here so that I can teach the Word of God and plant churches and make disciples in the days to come”. Students like Somanath are being empowered to make a significant difference in their communities.
In addition to teaching at the college, Rohan is also committed to training pastors on the ground. College staff and students provide training to pastors in surrounding areas in how to teach the Bible and shepherd their churches. One pastor shares, “Through this training, we have been blessed so much. They equip us in the Word of God, and that helps us disciple our new believers.”
Impacting local economies
Showing the love of Jesus also means helping people with their immediate physical needs. Many people in South Asia face poverty and don’t have the power to get out of it without help. This is what motivates Rohan to work on economic development initiatives that empower everyday people to be able to make money and support themselves and their families. Through these initiatives, he and others working with him are able to show the love and mercy of Christ in a practical way.

One such economic initiative helped Basanti Bai, a homemaker and mother of two small children in the north of her country, increase her income up to eight times! With a loan from the program she was able to purchase two small goats, which she uses to provide milk for her family and to sell in the marketplace.
The multiplication of the kingdom through Scholars
Rohan’s work shows how training and empowering one local leader multiplies into innumerable impacts! Through the Langham Partnership Scholars program, Christian leaders from around the world are supported to receive theological PhDs. After their study, they then return to their home nations or nearby regions to serve the church.
How does it work?
We fund scholarships and shepherd these leaders through their PhD studies in Bible and theology.
Scholars biblically train and disciple future pastors and Christian leaders in their nations.
Christian leaders start new ministries and churches, equipped to make disciples.
*Names changed to protect those serving in sensitive regions.
Equip Langham Scholars
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