eNews and prayer update July 2021

Your generous library grant equips students to transform our society


A Christian university in Uganda says it is “deeply honoured” to receive over 100 theology books through Langham Literature’s ‘Large Library Grant’ scheme. This year, Langham freely sent 113 books to Africa Renewal University (ARU) for its recently renovated library. The photo above shows them unpacking some of the books. An ARU staff member said:

“It is with great joy to let you know that your continued support to the library is making a difference! Thanks for your generous giving in order to enable us to transform our societies through equipping them with these materials. We are so deeply honoured for your impact towards equipping the next generation of Christian leaders.”

Langham has sent books to ARU through its library grant scheme for several years. In 2018, the university said the books received allowed it to successfully apply to run a Master’s Programme from the Uganda National Council for Higher Education.

What Langham Literature does …

Good Christian books help us understand God’s Word and apply it to our lives.
Yet many believers around the world have very few theological books and most are not written for their context. (We in the West forget that when we open a commentary or Christian book, it is nearly always written from within a Western cultural worldview!)
Langham Literature works with local leaders to develop and provide biblical resources that equip the church in the Majority World. We do this in three ways:

1. Book Distribution
We distribute biblical resources to churches, pastors, Bible colleges and seminaries.

2. Book Development
We help develop ground-breaking commentaries and other Christian books written in and for the local context.

3. Writer and Publisher Support
We support writers and publishers who translate and write books for their local context.

The result of all this is that students, pastors and leaders have the resources they need to provide biblical solutions to local issues, helping believers grow in Christlikeness.

The impact of Langham’s book distribution to Majority World Bible colleges

84% of Bible colleges say that they could not afford the books they need without Langham. Our help triples their book-buying power.
62% of Bible colleges say that receiving books from Langham enables them to train more students – more than 15,000 extra students each year at last count!
40% obtained accreditation because of books Langham provided

Please join us in prayer for …


Give thanks and pray for a new publishing partnership with the Mongolian branch of the International Fellowship of Evangelical Students (IFES) and pray for the Langham Literature staff who will walk with them for the next few years as they get more established. 
Work is almost finished on the new Literature warehouse (with offices for various Langham staff) in Carlisle, UK.  This will enable thousands more books to be provided to the Majority World! Give thanks and pray for all involved as they move and get settled in their new building.


The Langham Preaching program is involved in several countries where persecution is a day to day reality for. Often in these countries the work flourishes despite these huge personal challenges. Pray for the Langham Preaching leaders in these contexts – for their strength, protection and wisdom in all they do.

Pray for these Preaching events:
12-15 July – Malawi (Level 2 and 3 online)
19-22 July – Cambodia (training local facilitators online)
20 July – Honduras (Level 1 online)
24-25 July – Costa Rica (Level 3 online)
27 July – African church leaders (online meeting)
31 July – Trinidad & Tobago (online refresher)
August – Middle East (sensitive country)
1 August – Sierra Leone (Regional Coordinators meeting)
4-6 August – Liberia (conference meeting)


Pray for Egyptian Scholar George Bishai who was in Australia before the pandemic, but has recently spent some time studying in the UK. Pray for him as he seeks to complete his PhD back in Egypt this year.
Pray for Joseph Byamukama, the latest Scholar to be supported specifically through Langham Australia. Joseph is from Uganda and will be based there, but will also make several visits to Ridley College in Melbourne for his studies.


Pray for the new International Director, Tayo Arikawe and his family as he undertakes the challenging role of leading the global organisation. Pray for Chris Wright as he continues to write and speak (often via Zoom these days), representing Langham in various contexts. Pray for the Langham Australia Committee/Board.

Gillean Smiley writes …

One of the challenges that we are beginning to grapple with in Langham internationally, is that the Majority World is changing, often no longer defined by geographic boundaries. For example, should an underprivileged community who are part of the Majority World diaspora be considered part of the West just because that is where they are now living? How do we best assist churches within our own communities which largely minister to refugees or other disadvantaged new immigrants who lack the resources for biblical teaching and preaching in their own language and cultural context? Pray through such questions with us as we seek to equip and resource the whole Church for growing maturity and depth.


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