Newsletter September 2018

Langham Australia September 2018 Newsletter now available

This newsletter contains articles on the following:  

  • Langham Preaching in Mongolia
  • Inspired by Jesus to Serve the Marginalized
  • Preaching Happenings…
    • Celebrating 10 years of Langham Preaching in Vanuatu
    • Thank You Dinner for Australian Facilitators
    • All Asia Langham Preaching Forum
  • Langham books speaking into Middle East realities
  • Gillean Smiley writes…
    (Langham Australia Executive Officer)

Read the Langham Australia September 2018 Newsletter online now!~


Join us in prayer

Thank you for your prayers!


  • The Preaching Program in Papua New Guinea is struggling; please pray that the work will be revitalised and a strong movement for expository preaching will be established. Pray too for the work as it continues in Vanuatu, Fiji and the Solomon Islands.


  • Please pray for indigenous evangelical publishers like CLC Myanmar, CTS Publishing (Sri Lanka), HRIŠCANSKA (Serbia), Logos (Romania) and Harmat (Hungary). Pray for discernment in understanding local needs, wisdom in title selection, and professionalism in production.


  • Please continue to pray for Scholars studying in Australia: Anwar Berhe (Ethiopia) and George Bishai (Egypt). Anwar and his family plan to return to Ethiopia after Christmas, please pray for them as they make this transition. Pray too for Tha Lian Ci (Myanmar), commencing at Ridley College Melbourne later this year..


  • As Langham Partnership International grows (to help meet the growing needs of the church in the Majority World), there are inevitable “growing pains” and issues arising that need to be sorted through. Pray that all in the international leadership and on national boards will have the wisdom and skills needed to help us grow in a way that is godly and effective.
  • Pray that God will strengthen and encourage our staff. Pray for wisdom and creativity in raising more resources to support the ministry.


Where countries are considered sensitive re: security, the region is mentioned rather than the country.

  • September 9-15 Colombia, Croatia
  • September 16-22 South Asia, Asia
  • September 23-29 Sri Lanka, Sierra Leone
  • Sept 30- Oct 6 Asia, Mexico, Liberia(2), Zimbabwe
  • October 7-13 Trinidad & Tobago, Liberia
  • October 14-20 Colombia, Indonesia, Liberia
  • October 21-27 Myanmar, Serbia, Sierra Leone, Liberia

Please pray for these upcoming events.

Download September 2018 Newsletter PDF version for printing

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