eNews and prayer update August 2018

When a pastime becomes a job…

As a child growing up in Jamaica, reading was Dahlia Fraser’s favourite pastime. [READ MORE]


Join us in prayer


Thank you for your prayers!


  • A Level 1 and 2 Preaching seminar is taking place in the Middle East this month with 125 participants expected. Please pray that those who attend will become active participants in preaching clubs, practicing what they learned so that the Word of God will be heard clearly and faithfully in churches across the Middle East. There is also a need for Arabic resources on preaching; pray that these will be created and provided.


  • Please pray for Langham Scholars studying in Australia. Anwar Berhe (Ethiopia) at Melbourne School of Theology has asked that we pray for him to have strength, wisdom and stamina to finish his thesis; he is hoping to have nearly all the writing finished this month and the family are planning to return to Ethiopia just after Christmas. Pray for George Bishai (Egypt) as he continues his PhD studies at Moore College and also for his wife and daughters as they live near the college in inner-city Sydney.


  • Please pray for the distribution team as they finalise work on a new library grant catalogue that includes many thousands of library resources. Much wisdom and diligence is required in this task.
  • Pray also for wisdom for the Literature team in the administration and award of writer’s grants, so that they know whom to give them to, and for faithfulness on the part of the recipients, so that they do produce the books they set out to write.
  • Please pray for the publishing team, authors and Langham’s partners around the world. We give thanks this month as we publish a commentary on Leviticus by an East Asian scholar within our Asia Bible Commentary Series. Please pray for our partners at the Asia Theological Association as they continue to encourage and work with Asian scholars to produce these excellent and relevant commentaries.


  • As the Langham Partnership international organisation grows (to help meet the growing needs of the church in the Majority World), there are inevitable “growing pains” and issues arising that need to be sorted through. Pray that all who participate in the international leadership team and on national boards will have wisdom and the skills required to help the organisation grow in a way that is godly and effective.


Where countries are considered sensitive re: security, the region is mentioned rather than the country.

  • 12–18 August: Middle East, Benin, Haiti, DR Congo, Liberia, Uganda, Argentina  
  • 19–25 August: Colombia, Liberia  
  • 26 Aug–1 Sept: Romania, Sierra Leone(2)
  • 2–8 September: Benin(2), Indonesia, DR Congo, Zimbabwe
  • 9–15 September: South Asia, Colombia, Croatia

Please pray for these upcoming events.

Langham Australia CEO Gillean Smiley writes…

The printing of the Arabic Contemporary Commentary is progressing well, with the expectation that it will be launched in mid-October, on schedule. The interest in the Commentary from the Arabic speaking world has been very encouraging, with the possibility that some Muslim leaders will be attending the celebrations in Cairo. Please pray with us that both the launch of this wonderful resource and the ongoing ministry of those using it will have a major impact on this part of the world and that we will see, in place of the “Arab Spring” that once held so much hope and promise, an “Arab Harvest” of new believers, and growing Christian maturity in those who already know and love our Lord.

Many of you know of the recent return of a Scholar to her home country, after a period of time in Australia. She is planning to work in developing the Preaching Training in her region, and help in the training and equipping of those leading small home based Churches. The challenges in this location have been growing, and the church is under more pressure than any time since the 1980s.  We ask for prayer for our sister and her family as they seek to overcome a number of difficulties that have arisen since their return, and for the believers in that region, that they remain committed, faithful and strong, trusting in God’s immeasurable love and provision, and eager to share the good news with their neighbours.

Finally, we are excited to welcome Rev. Dr Chris Wright back to Australia in late September, and look forward to seeing many of you in Perth, Sydney, Melbourne and Tasmania on his whirlwind visit. Details of events will be available on the website shortly.

The spreading of the gospel, and the growth of the Church has ever been marked by opposition and even persecution. As we rejoice at the light being shone into the darkest of places, and the thousands upon thousands of people who become Christians every single day, we also stand with those in the Majority World who are suffering for their faith, bearing the brunt of the world’s and the Enemy’s fury. More than ever, we need to be recognized by our love for one another, and our unity as one Body. Thank you for your contribution, especially your desperately needed prayers, for the support and help needed by so many.


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