Imad Shehadeh is the author of Langham Global Library title ‘God With Us and Without Us, Volume 1′. He is a Palestinian Christian with a doctorate from Dallas Theological Seminary, Texas, USA.

Langham author Imad Shehadeh.
After completing his studies in Dallas he returned to Jordan where he founded the Jordan Evangelical Theological Seminary in 1991, where Dr Shehadeh is currently the president. Here, Dr Imad Shehadeh shares some significant aspects of his life and journey with the triune God.
Founding a Seminary
“My wife, Julia and I have been married since August of 1978. We began our journey as a team in ministry to college students. Together we have directed the Cru training center for the Middle East, planted three churches, two in Jordan and one in Dallas, while I was doing my theological studies.
“Together we also struggled through the journey of founding the Jordan Evangelical Theological Seminary in Amman, Jordan in 1991. I have been serving as president and professor of theology, and Julia serves as the spiritual advisor for women.
Jordan Evangelical Theological Seminary Campus
“Julia and I have been blessed with three sons and three grandchildren. Our sons are heroes for the way they stood with us as their parents through the high cost of establishing JETS in the heart of the Muslim World.
“I earned a BA from the University of California at San Diego, and ThM. Followed by a PhD from Dallas Theological Seminary, with post-doctoral studies at the Evangelical Theological Faculty of Leuven, Belgium and the University of Edinburgh, Scotland.
Need for theological education
“I have authored several articles, books and compendiums in English and Arabic that cover a wide range of need for theological education. I have also produced a growing number of online video and audio lectures and sermons, as well as TV recordings. On top of my responsibilities at JETS I have a regular speaking schedule in colleges, seminaries, churches and conferences in several countries.
“JETS targets the 22 Arabic-speaking countries of the Middle East, Arab Peninsula and North Africa. It acquired a team of international faculty, skilled administrative staff, and a board of international evangelical leadership. It offers bachelor, master and DMin. degree programs.
“JETS graduates serve in several Arab countries as well as among Arab communities in several western countries as church and parachurch planters, pastors, teachers, writers, evangelists, worship leaders, women’s ministry leaders, and other varied ministries.”
Buy God With Us and Without Us, Volume 1 by Dr Imad Shehadeh today.
Please pray for Jordan Evangelical Theological Seminary, and especially Dr Imad Shehadeh to lead wisely. Pray also for the wider work of Langham Literature, as it seeks to publish books by Majority World authors.