August 2023 eNews

What’s inside

A note from Gillean

CEO of Langham Australia

As local leaders and pastors engage with their congregations, it is crucial that they present the gospel in a way that is culturally relevant and meaningful. This contextualisation underpins effective communication by presenting the message in familiar terms and symbols so that people can relate to it, and by respecting the diversity of unique cultural, social and historical contexts of their audiences.

Contextualisation is a central strategy in the development of indigenous biblical resources through Langham Literature, and in the fostering of national preaching movements through the Preaching Program. Scholars, too, are required to show how their research will assist their own context, as they develop proposals for their higher degree studies. 

The result of this focus on contextualisation is increasing accessibility, greater depth of ownership and empowerment leading to deeper discipleship, and the overcoming of cultural barriers as difficult questions unique to a culture can be addressed. These factors will be explored in an upcoming podcast series, Out of the Margins, a Young Langham initiative, where our young adult engagement coordinators will interview a range of Majority World scholars, as well as those engaged in Langham Literature and Preaching on the theme of contextualisation. We’ll let you know how to access this series as it becomes available.

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