A gift in your Will could transform thousands of lives by strengthening the maturity and the impact of God’s people around the world.

A legacy gift to Langham is a spiritual investment in God’s global family.
Gifts in Wills are among the most significant ways of ensuring Langham’s work not only continues but grows for generations to come. By remembering Langham when you make your Will, you’ll enable people in the future to experience the teaching of the Bible for themselves. A gift in your Will could transform thousands of lives by strengthening the maturity and the impact of God’s people around the world. If you have already included Langham in your Will, or are thinking of doing so, we would love to hear from you. Then we can thank you, and share with you what your gift could be doing for generations to come, leaving a true legacy. Jill McGilvray, Chair, Langham Partnership Australia
Why Langham Partnership Australia
John Stott, our founder, wrote over 50 books and preached and taught around the world. He was listed in Time Magazine’s “100 Most Influential People” (April, 2005) and was named a Commander of the British Empire (CBE) in December 2005. Yet he didn’t accept the royalties from his books or payments for teaching for himself. He chose instead to pour them into serving and strengthening the church in the Majority World, where more than 75% of pastors never get to attend Bible college. John Stott dedicated his life and earnings to seed and grow the ministry of Langham Partnership, three distinct but integrated ministries working strategically together to train and provide resources to pastors, leaders, and scholars, all with the aim of helping Christians understand and apply the Scriptures and grow in Christ-like-ness.
Can you join your legacy with John Stott’s and help strengthen the global Church?
The apostle Paul wrote “But God has put the body together, giving greater honour to the parts that lacked it, so that there should be no division in the body, but that its parts should have equal concern for each other. If one part suffers, every part suffers with it; if one part is honoured, every part rejoices with it. Now you are the body of Christ, and each one of you is a part of it.”
Will you give a gift from your will to help the body of Christ in the Majority World?
Here is an example of correct wording you could use in your will: “I give to Langham Partnership Australia Ltd. (LPA) of 345 Great Western Highway Springwood (PO Box 530, Springwood NSW 2777) the sum of $………………….., to be used for its general purposes and to be applied by the Board of LPA for the purposes of any of the Langham Literature, Langham Preaching or Langham Scholars programs or where most needed. I direct that the receipt signed by any two office bearers of LPA shall be a full release and discharge of my executors in relation to the payment of this bequest.”
Other information you may need:
- Our ABN: 73 876 837131
- Our ACN: 655 246 610
If you wish to leave a bequest for a specific area of the work of Langham Partnership, please call us on 02 4751 9036 or email australia[AT]